

Automatically generate GatsbyJS app landing pages.

GitHub Pages GatsbyJS Starter

Designed for GitHub Pages and Netlify. Fork. Edit site-config.js. Upload screenshot/video. Push to gh-pages branch. VoilĂ !

iPhone Device Preview

Preview your app in the context of an iPhone device. Five different device colors included.

Video Support

Preview app video on the iPhone device simply by placing your video files in the videos folder.

Optimized Performance

No need to worry about page performance or optimizing images and videos. Everything is already configured for the best performance possible!

Easy to Tweak

Tweak accent color, images, icons and transparency via the site-config.js file. No HTML/CSS needed.

Feature List

Add features (like this one) to your site via the site-config.js file. No HTML/CSS needed.

Deploy to Netlify

Easily deploy your GatsbyJS landing page to Netlify.

Social Links

Easily add social media accounts and contact info in the footer via the site-config.js file. No HTML/CSS needed.

FontAwesome Support

Pick custom Font Awesome icons for the feature list via the site-config.js file. No HTML/CSS needed.